Pipes for Water Systems

Non-Potable Rainwater Harvesting Systems:

What kind of pipes should I use to construct my NPRWH system?

According to Schedule 80, (BC Plumbing Code) Drain Waste Vent Pipe, which is a thin-walled sewer pipe, is built to a specific standard and is most suitable for non-potable water systems.

Pipe Flow Calculations:

Check out this website look at the bottom right – ASTM D1785-Poly-Vinyl Chloride piping: https://www.pipeflowcalculations.com/tables-pipes.xhtml

This complies with BC Plumbing Code Schedules 40, 80 and 120.

Potable Rainwater Harvesting Systems:

This website currently does not focus on the standards and specifics for design and operation of potable water systems. Please refer to Schedule 40 of the BC Plumbing Code.

More information about pipe materials (PVC and ABS, etc.) can be found here:

